Results: 1 - 8 of 1 subpages
Schedule of the recruitment process: 2022/23
ERASMUS+ STUDENT MOBILITY FOR STUDIES AND TRAINEESHIP Online meetings about the mobility for studies and traineeship (in Polish and in English): 4 March 2022 (in English) – For more (...)/erasmus/archive/
Academic calendar 2022/2023
winter semester: teaching period: 3.10.2022–27.01.2023;holidays: 31.10.2022, 1.11.2022, 11.11.2022, 23.12.2022–6.01.2023;exams: 30.01.–10.02.2023; (part-time studies: 10.02.–26.02.2023)resit (...)/academic-calendar/
Rok akademicki 2021/2022
Terminy zjazdów dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych w semestrze zimowym i letnim roku akademickiego 2021/2022 Dla wszystkich kierunków i roczników Wydziału Lekarskiego i Nauk o Zdrowiu: piątki (...)/rok-akademicki-2021-2022/
Electronic registration for physical education classes
From September 23, 2024/news/electronic-registration-for-physical-education-classes-11.html
Schedule of the recruitment process: 2021/22 spring semester
Online meeting about the mobility for studies and traineeship (in Polish and in English): 08.10.2021 at 10:00 am For more information, please contact the International Office• 29.10.2021 DEADLINE (...)/erasmus/archive/
Academic calendar 2023/2024
winter semester: teaching period: 2.10.2023–26.01.2024;holidays: 1.11.2023, 11.11.2023, 21.12.2023–5.01.2024;exams: 29.01.–9.02.2024; (part-time studies: 9.02.–25.02.2024)resit exams: (...)/academic-calendar/
Erasmus+ mobility for studies or traineeship - outgoing students
Online meeting in English/news/erasmus-mobility-for-studies-or-traineeship-outgoing-students-7.html
Erasmus+ Outgoing Students
Erasmus+ meeting for students • Information meetings for students interested in the mobility:27 February 2025, 11:00, Room B020 (in Polish)28 February 2025, 11:00, Room B020 (in (...)/erasmus/